Reverse Osmosis Plant

A Reverse Osmosis – RO Plants is an assembling plant where the interaction of opposite assimilation happens. Reverse osmosis – RO Plant is a typical cycle to clean or desalinate polluted water by driving water through a layer. Water delivered is used for an assortment of purposes, including desalination, wastewater treatment, the convergence of pollutants, and the recovery of broken down minerals.

Reverse osmosis operates by utilizing advanced filtration technology which removes dissolved ions from water. Osmosis is an elemental force that draws water to water with higher salt content. This is a process by which dissolved ions are removed from water. This elemental force can be surmounted by applied pressure with the usage of pumps and semi-permeable membranes, which forces water through the membrane and filters out dissolved salt from the water.

At Water Remedy we design the best RO plants in the market and provide satisfactory water solutions. Water Remedy has worked on more than 100 reverse osmosis plants. Get your quote now.

Reverse osmosis plant

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“A reverse osmosis plant or RO Plants is a manufacturing plant where the process of reverse osmosis takes place. Reverse osmosis is a common process to purify or desalinate contaminated water by forcing water through a membrane. Water produced by reverse osmosis may be used for a variety of purposes, including desalinationwastewater treatment, concentration of contaminants, and the reclamation of dissolved minerals.[1] An average modern reverse osmosis plant needs six kilowatt-hours of electricity to desalinate one cubic metre of water.[2] The process also results in an amount of salty briny waste. The challenge for these plants is to find ways to reduce energy consumption, use sustainable energy sources, improve the process of desalination and to innovate in the area of waste management to deal with the waste. Self-contained water treatment plants using reverse osmosis, called reverse osmosis water purification units, are normally used in a military context.”
In 1977 Cape CoralFlorida became the first municipality in the United States to use the RO process on a large scale with an initial operating capacity of 11,356 m³ (3 million gallons) per day. By 1985, due to the rapid growth in population of Cape Coral, the city had the largest low pressure reverse osmosis plant in the world, capable of producing 56,782 m³ (15 million gallons) per day.[5]
RO Plants


Reverse osmosis is a method used to separate a high percentage of pollutants from water by forcing it through a semi-permeable membrane.

“Reverse Osmosis works by filtering unwanted pollutants such as bacteria, viruses and other microbiological organisms from water by pressuring the treated water which forces water substances through a semipermeable membrane. Throughout the process, the pollutants are separated from the water and flushed out, which produces ultra pure water.” find reference here

Reverse Osmosis RO Plants

RO water treatment Plant Process

Reverse osmosis RO water treatment plant process is that allows the removal of unwanted particles (salts) from a solution. Reverse Osmosis water treatment plant  is also used to treatment of water like removal of  hardness, microorganism, salts and impurities in order to improve the color, odour, taste or properties of the fluid.

“Cross flow” is the advanced Reverse Osmosis RO water treatments Technology that allows a partially semi permeable Reverse osmosis RO membrane to clean itself continually. As some of the fluid passes through the membrane, the rest continues downstream, sweeping the rejected species away from it. Reverse Osmosis water treatment  plant process requires a HPP (high pressure pump) to push the fluid through the membrane like high pressure and large driving force. For Brackish water approximately 10 to 20 bar applying as a osmotic pressure in solution to separate salt water as rejection and good water as product.

As concentration of the salts (fluid) being rejected increases, so does the driving osmotic force. Reverse Osmosis water treatment system is used to reject, sugar, bacteria, salts, proteins, particles, dyes, and other constituents. Separation of ions with reverse osmosis water treatment filtration is aided by charged particles. This means that dissolved ions that carry a charge, such as salts, are more likely to be rejected by the membrane . The larger the charge and the particle, the more likely it will be rejected. See reference here